Benitatxell organiza un voluntariado arqueológico en el yacimiento de la Cova de les Bruixes

Un equipo de arqueólogos de la Universidad de Alicante ofrecerá la oportunidad al alumnado mayor de 16 años de ver in situ cómo son los trabajos de prospección y participar de ellos Continúan las investigaciones en la Cova de les Bruixes de El Poble Nou de Benitatxell. El equipo del Instituto Universitario de Investigación […]
The 6 works to be carried out at Benitatxell to transform the town centre into ‘a place where people can relate to each other’

Yesterday Thursday afternoon a public exhibition was held to present the works to be undertaken in the town over the next few months. El Poble Nou de Benitatxell Council is planning a ‘poble NOU’(NEW town) which focuses on creating people-friendly spaces and transforming the town centre into an attractive place to live and for […]
A new ordinance on citizen coexistence for Benitatxell will regulate and sanction uncontrolled dumping, dog excrement and the degradation of the coves

The document compiles numerous rules of coexistence, as well as the possible monetary sanctions that may be applied. El Poble Nou de Benitatxell’s Council wants to bring order to the day to day problems and achieve a better coexistence between citizens. To this end, the government team (Més Benitatxell) brought to the last plenary […]
‘Vivas, libres y sin miedo’, el clamor de Benitatxell por el 25N, Día Internacional para la Eliminación de la Violencia hacia las Mujeres

La Concejalía de Igualdad, la Associació de Dones del Poble Nou de Benitatxell, la European Union of Women Marina Alta y Clásicas y Modernas han preparado una programación para todos los públicos Con motivo del 25 de noviembre, Día Internacional para la Eliminación de la Violencia hacia las Mujeres, el Departamento de Igualdad, a […]
‘Alive, free and fearless’, Benitatxell’s claim for 25N, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

The Councillorship of Equality, the Women’s Association of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell, the European Union of Women Marina Alta and Clásicas y Modernas have prepared a programme for all publics. On the occasion of November 25th, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Department of Equality, in charge of Isa […]
El Poble Nou de Benitatxell y Altea ponen en común sus proyectos de sostenibilidad y destinos turísticos inteligentes

Personal técnico y concejaless de los dos consistorios, inmersos en las ejecuciones de planes de actuación financiados por fondos europeos, se reúnen para compartir experiencias y crear sinergias en el camino hacia un turismo inteligente y sostenible La pasada semana, concejales y técnicos del Ayuntamiento de El Poble Nou de Benitatxell involucrados en el […]
El Poble Nou de Benitatxell and Altea share their projects on sustainability and smart tourist destinations

Technical staff and councillors from the two councils, immersed in the implementation of action plans financed by European funds, meet to share experiences and create synergies on the road to smart and sustainable tourism. Last week, councillors and technicians from El Poble Nou de Benitatxell Council who are involved in the Tourism Sustainability Plan […]
The traditional fellowship meal brings to an end an activity-packed Elderly People’s Week at Benitatxell.

One of the highlights of the week was the colloquium and the screening of an audiovisual about Mossèn Josep Antoni Comes, founder of the Saó magazine. The Association of Pensioners and Retired People of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell celebrated yesterday the traditional fellowship meal at Salones Canor as the culmination of a packed […]
El Poble Nou de Benitatxell promotes Valencian as a tourist attraction

The Council launches the campaign ‘Conoce en Valencià’ (Get to know in Valencian) to promote tourism that respects the traditions and language of the town on October 9th, the day of the Valencian people. It is not only the beaches, landscapes or climate that are tourist attractions of a destination. The roots, culture, identity […]

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