The Band of Benitatxell closes the Musical Spring together with the voices of the students of the local Music School and Petit Ars from Xàbia.

  • In this 2024 edition, dedicated to singing, the Cor i Orquestra de La Rectoria, the Orfeó Universitari de València and the OMA – Orquestra de la Marina Alta have also offered their concerts

Successful final concert of the Musical Spring 2024. The Agrupación Musico-municipal Santa María Magdalena de Benitatxell and the heavenly white voices of the pupils of the local Music School and the Petit Ars from Xàbia won over the audience who came to the Church Square last Sunday.

The children accompanied the Band in their last piece. They performed ‘Lluna Mediterrània’, a score by Teo Aparicio-Beltrán for band and choir of white voices which is a hymn to peace, a hymn to hope and which captures the essence, the warmth and the friendly and festive spirit of all the people bathed by this warm sea.

All the musicians were conducted by Manuel Alejandro Romero, who made his debut as conductor of the Band at the Musical Spring concert two years ago. At that time he had already led different events and parades in the almost four months he had been in charge, but the 2022 Spring Cycle was his first major concert. Since then, he has shown great chemistry with the musicians, and is now a key member of the group. The event was presented by Rosa García, who explained the pieces they were going to perform.

This performance brings to a close the eighteenth edition of the Musical Spring, which for years has been a flagship event and a point of reference in the cultural agenda of El Poble Nou. The Cor i Orquestra de La Rectoria, the Orfeó Universitari de València and the OMA – Orquestra de la Marina Alta have also performed on the stage of this cycle, which is dedicated to singing.