The chefs Miquel Ruiz (El Baret de Miquel) and Fran Burgos (La Fava) will cook dishes with broad beans for the public at the Mitjafava Fest of Benitatxell

  • They will be the protagonists of the Showcooking that has been programmed for Friday April 19th, at 8:00 pm, at Les Pesqueres square.
  • All those attending will be offered free of charge a wine and tapas cooked by the chefs.

The public will be able to enjoy, free of charge, the creations of chefs Miquel Ruiz (El Baret de Miquel, in Dénia) and Fran Burgos (La Fava, in Benidorm) this Friday April 17th at El Poble Nou de Benitatxell. As part of the Mitjafava Fest 2024 programme, the Council has programmed a showcooking in which the chefs will show their skills and culinary knowledge and will cook various dishes with the star product of the town: the «fava poblera».

After the cooking exhibition, all those attending will be offered a wine and tapas created by Miquel, who will be preparing nigiri of spicy fava, seafood pods with their fava marinade and Valencian fava edamame with fennel garum; and Fran, who will be cooking faves sacsades with sea sausage.

The event will be hosted by Ana Sirvent, co-host of the programme ‘La cuina de Morera’ on À Punt, and the wine of honour will be accompanied by the music of the duet Tàndem. The event, which will be held from 8pm onwards at Les Pesqueres square, is free and open to everyone.

The cuisine of Miquel Ruiz and Fran Burgos

Miquel Ruiz began his professional career of fine cuisine at El Girasol in Moraira, with two Michelin stars. After almost a decade as second chef, he opened La Seu of Moraira, and also achieved a star by creating, innovating and always using seasonal products and what the local farmers and fishermen offered him. He became the first Valencian chef to bring a traditional Valencian dish to haute cuisine.

Years later, together with his family, he moved to Dénia and El Baret de Miquel Ruiz was born. Simpler, less ostentatious, but with a common denominator: Miquel’s knowledge and love for the traditional, for the vegetable garden and the sea. El Baret has been running for 13 years now, with reservations made months in advance. In addition, for the last two years some of his dishes have been available in Moraira, where Adrián Ruiz, his eldest son, runs Billy’s and is supported by his father in the preparation of the menu.

As he defines himself, «I am a market man, my mornings start with a mandatory visit to the market. Then, once I’m at the Baret, they bring me boxes of produce harvested by small families in their gardens».

Fran Burgos’ cuisine is also a local cuisine, a cuisine of proximity, of km 0. The story of La Fava begins in the kitchens of a small bar in the old town of Benidorm. In a fishing village, where the richness of the sea and what the mountains could provide were a sign of identity, Pepa defended her small bar where traditional dishes were cooked over a slow fire.

Years later, Fran decided to continue the tradition by applying modern techniques to give an avant-garde touch to Benidorm’s local cuisine. His goal is to continue slow-cooking seasonal products, both from the sea and the countryside. «This is the way forward to be able to maintain tradition and be avant-garde».