El Poble Nou de Benitatxell suggests a different way of enjoying holidays on the Costa Blanca with ‘Tourism for breathing’.

  • The town has become the first tourist municipality to create its own guided meditations to enhance the value of its territory and promote a different kind of tourism, 100% sustainable and environmentally friendly.

For many years now, El Poble Nou de Benitatxell has positioned itself through various tourist campaigns as a town of rest, peace and tranquillity in contrast to the overcrowding suffered by other tourist destinations in the area.

The first work in this line of positioning itself as a restful destination was the campaign ‘Put your life on pause’, carried out in the summer of 2021 and which showed this Costa Blanca destination as a place where you can stop to rest and get away from the noise and crowds.

Now, the Councillor of Tourism, led by Víctor Bisquert, through the work of the agency Salabre Comunicació and the help of the teacher and writer Paco Cholbi and the teacher and musician Santi Cruanyes for the recordings, has gone a step further with the campaign ‘Tourism for breathing’.

This campaign proposes a different way of enjoying holidays on the Costa Blanca with the creation of 5 guided meditations in 5 places in the municipality: the Portalet viewpoint, the Moraig cove, Morro Roabit, Les Fonts Park and Pous de l’Abiar.

In each of these natural and town locations, a campaign stand has been set up with a QR code that takes the visitor to the landing page turismeperarespirar.com. The website offers information about each location and allows visitors to listen to a meditation session, created specifically for that place. These meditations, which can be listened to in Valencian and Spanish, are uploaded on the Spotify and YouTube platforms to provide greater interaction and visits to the resources created.

Each meditation has an introduction in which the objective of ‘Tourism for Breathing’ is stated and a short presentation of the surroundings is given. In each of them, mindfulness is practised through different contents: breathing, sensations, thoughts, emotions, compassion or contact and connection with nature.

Although these meditations are intended for visitors and mindfulness practitioners to get to know the town and do the meditations in situ, »Tourism for breathing» allows meditations to be done remotely and is «a tool for El Poble Nou de Benitatxell to reach many people interested in and practising meditation in a different way, through unique and exclusive meditations in the town», said the councillor of the area, Víctor Bisquert.

In Bisquert’s words, «this resource not only seeks to promote a different kind of tourism, far from overcrowding and in connection with nature, but also meditation goes hand in hand with an ethical component that also needs to be introduced in today’s tourism. It seeks not only personal wellbeing but also that of the place visited, protecting and not damaging the cultural and natural heritage of the destination and respecting the way of life of the local population, taking into consideration their language, traditions, customs and peaceful way of life».

El Poble Nou de Benitatxell encourages the rest of the tourist municipalities to join this initiative which shows that it is possible «another way of doing tourism, economically and environmentally sustainable, and that seeks to take care of the people and the place that is visited», added Bisquert.

In addition to the landing page of turismeperarespirar.com, there will also be a «powerful» dissemination through the social networks of Tourism El Poble Nou de Benitatxell.