El Poble Nou de Benitatxell offers four ‘Ecotourism with the family’ routes in summer to respect nature

  • They will take place on June 22nd, July 4th and August 1st and 15th and will focus on the natural landscapes, flora, fauna and traditional architecture of the municipality.

Ecotourism as an engine to respect the territory and nature. This is what El Poble Nou de Benitatxell Council offers through the Councillor of Tourism, which this summer has organised the ‘Ecotourism with the family’ routes.

Led by Maria Roselló, founder of the active tourism and ecotourism company Endèmica Natura, these routes focus on the natural landscapes, flora, fauna and traditional architecture of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell and also include educational and interpretative aspects of nature.

As the councillor of Tourism, Víctor Bisquert, explained, ‘the main objective of these routes is to promote ecological values and respect for nature, as well as the conservation of our natural resources and spaces’. But this is not the only aim, since, as he pointed out, ‘it is also important to encourage tourism that has a connection with nature, since only by promoting this connection with the environment will people respect it more. These are very important premises if we want to achieve sustainable tourism that takes care of our town and its natural and cultural spaces’.

Four routes with different topics are proposed. The one on June 22nd, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, will be an ethnobotanical walk called ‘Las plantas sanjuaneras’ (San Juan plants). In July, on the 4th from 8pm to 10pm, there will be a sunset walk called ‘Discovering the autochthonous fauna’. The routes will continue in August, on the 1st and 15th from 09:00 am to 11:00 am, with the walk among the ‘riuraus’ ‘The natural and cultural patrimony of the riuraus’ and the sensorial workshop ‘The aromas that bewitch’.

All the experiences are completely free and for all publics. Places are limited, so previous registration is required through the following link: https://www.inscribirme.com/o/ajuntament-del-poble-nou-de-benitatxell. The meeting point will be the door of the Town Hall ( Mayor Street, 5) for all the routes.